Working with an SEO Consultant Virtually: Pros & Cons

Working with a remote SEO consultant can have both pros and cons. Before you make a decision, think about things like the size of your team and if you need SEO training.

A smaller team doesn’t require as much in person work, but a larger company with multiple departments might have a harder time scheduling meetings. For that reason, it’s good to have people who are physically around when you need to get a hold of them.

Some people learn better when the training is in person vs online. When the training is online, it’s easier to space out or get distracted by all the options on your computer or phone. Keep in mind that in-person training will cost more though.

Overall, hiring a remote SEO consultant is common. Here are some potential advantages and disadvantages:

Pros of working with an SEO expert virtually

  1. Access to Global Talent: When working remotely, you have the opportunity to collaborate with SEO consultants from around the world. You can choose from a wider pool of talent, potentially finding an expert who perfectly matches your needs and requirements.
  2. Cost Savings: Hiring a remote SEO consultant can often be more cost-effective compared to hiring an in-house expert. Remote consultants typically work on a freelance or contract basis, eliminating expenses such as benefits, office space, and equipment.
  3. Flexibility and Scalability: Remote consultants offer flexibility in terms of project duration and scalability. You can engage a consultant for a specific project or duration, allowing you to adapt to changing needs without the long-term commitment associated with hiring a full-time employee.
  4. Diverse Skill Set: Remote SEO consultants may have experience working with various industries and clients. They can bring fresh perspectives, knowledge, and best practices from different sectors, which can benefit your specific business or project.

Cons of hiring a remote SEO specialist

  1. Communication Challenges: Remote work can sometimes pose communication challenges. Depending on time zone differences and communication preferences, there may be delays or difficulties in effectively communicating and collaborating with a remote SEO consultant.
  2. Limited Face-to-Face Interaction: Remote work lacks the in-person interaction and immediate availability that an in-house consultant provides. This can make it harder to build a personal connection, address issues promptly, and ensure a smooth workflow.
  3. Potential Trust and Accountability Issues: When working remotely, establishing trust and ensuring accountability can be more challenging. It’s important to have clear expectations, communication channels, and regular check-ins to ensure that the consultant is delivering the expected results.
  4. Availability and Response Time: Remote consultants may have multiple clients or projects, which can impact their availability and response time. It’s crucial to discuss and agree upon expectations regarding availability, response times, and project timelines to align your needs with the consultant’s availability.
  5. Security and Confidentiality: Depending on the nature of your business and the data involved, there may be security concerns when sharing sensitive information with a remote consultant. It’s essential to establish confidentiality agreements and take appropriate measures to protect your data.

How can you vet an SEO marketer before you contract with them?

Request examples of their previous work, including case studies or portfolio work showcasing their past projects and results. Look for evidence of successful SEO campaigns, improvements in search rankings, increased organic traffic, and other relevant achievements

Ask the consultant for references from their previous clients and reach out to those clients to gain insights into their experience working with the consultant. Additionally, check online reviews or testimonials to gauge their reputation and the satisfaction level of their clients.

Understand the consultant’s approach to SEO strategy and execution. They should be able to explain their methodology, including keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, content strategy, and tracking of key performance indicators (KPIs). Look for a data-driven and holistic approach.

SEO often involves technical optimizations. Assess the consultant’s technical knowledge, including their understanding of website structure, HTML, Core Web Vitals other technical aspects that can impact SEO performance. Inquire about their familiarity with SEO tools like Semrush, Search Console and analytics platforms.

Trust your instincts and evaluate how comfortable you are working with the consultant. Personal rapport, enthusiasm, and a positive attitude can contribute to a productive and collaborative working relationship

Ultimately, the success of working with a remote SEO consultant depends on clear communication, well-defined expectations, and professionalism Assess your specific needs, consider the pros and cons, and choose an SEO consultant who aligns with your business objectives and requirements. To learn more or inquire about my services, email

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